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updated 9:58 AM UTC, Apr 24, 2024

Competition for the Logo of General Chapter LXXXVI

The General Chapter is approaching and the General Council has decided to hold the Competition for the official Chapter Logo.

lt is our desire that, in addition to involving as many brothers as possible, we will arrive at the announcement of thewinner of the contest by the end ofMarch 2024, so that it can be published before the beginning of the General Chapter itself. We would like to use the logo not only on the website dedicated to the General Chapter but also on whatever will be published by the General Curia before and during the Chapter.

Therefore, I appeal to ali the brothers of the Order by inviting you to participate in this competition to design the officiai logo of Generai Chapter LXXXVI of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, which will be celebrated in Rome from August 26 to September 15, 2024.

The following is the motto for the Chapter, as decided upon by the General Council while keeping in mind thesuggestions of the Preparatory Commission: Dominus dedit mihi fratres ... ut irent in mundum - The Lord has given me brothers ... to go out into the world. 

The first part of the motto refers to the gift of fraternity presented by St. Francis in his Testament; then the secondpart, to going into the world to evangelize, always attentive to the way in which we go "into the world", as described in the Rule. The motto is inspired by these texts, interweaving them, while not containing a direct and complete citation (Cf. Testament, 14; Regola Bollata, III, 11-15).

In preparing the logo, therefore, consider the theme of collaboration and mission, which will be covered in the Chapter itself.

The logo must be original and any graphic elements which are already present on the internet are not permitted. ltshould be in color, but with a graphic design that can also stand out well in black-and-white. It may be fitting to use a narrow range of colors to allow its use on both light and dark backgrounds. It is impmiant to be sure that it is decipherable not only in full size, but also when reproduced on a smaller scale.

Logo proposals must be in an electronic format of good resolution, or if it is not an electronic work, you may send us your original. The submission must be received by the General Secretariat by March 15, 2024 ([email protected]). It will then be submitted to the General Council, who will choose one to become the official logo of the next General Chapter.

I remain available to you if there are any questions on this matter, and I greet you ali fraternally and wish you many good and valuable inspirations. Have a wonderful Lent!

Fr. Damian Philip Pereira
Secretary general OFMCap
Last modified on Tuesday, 20 February 2024 18:34