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updated 4:32 PM UTC, Feb 7, 2025

Franciscan Tradition: "Recovery and Innovation"

The year 2023 will see two significant Franciscan anniversaries – the 800th anniversary of the confirmation of the Regula Bullata (the approved Rule of St. Francis) and the 150th anniversary of the founding of the English Capuchin Province. 2024 will see other jubilees, including the 800th anniversary of the impression of the stigmata of St. Francis and the arrival of the first Franciscans in England, and the 750th anniversary of the death of St. Bonaventure.

For this reason, and to celebrate together the gift of Capuchin Franciscan history in Britain, the Second International Conference on Franciscan Studies, organized by the University of Durham, will be held on March 12, 13 and 14, 2024, which will focus on the theme of recovering and innovating the Franciscan tradition.

The purpose of this conference is to explore the richness and diversity of the Franciscan tradition in both theological and historical terms, and its significance for the world today. The conference is particularly interested in Franciscan interpretations and expressions of "recovery," in the sense of recovering ideas that may have been lost over the centuries but remain important, and of "innovation," in the sense of drawing on aspects of the tradition to address changing contexts and the relationship between the two. A specific goal of the conference will be to highlight the distinctive nature of the Franciscan theological, philosophical and spiritual tradition and its contemporary significance in relation to a wide variety of themes. The treatment of the themes will be interdisciplinary and will present the study of researchers in various fields such as theology, history, literary studies, philosophy, musicology and art history.

Among the speakers are:

Margaret Carney, OSF (St. Bonaventure University)

Johannes Freyer, OFM (University of San Diego)

Mary Beth Ingham, CSJ (Loyola University, Maryland)

John McCafferty (University College, Dublin)

William Short, OFM (University of San Diego and Collegium Sancti Bonaventurae, Rome)

Joseph Buffon, OFM (Pontifical University Antonianum)


More information is available at:  




Last modified on Thursday, 11 January 2024 10:03
