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Sessions at Lusaka, Zambia

Franciscan School of Formators in Africa (Part II)

The idea to have a common formative course for the Formators emerged spontaneously when all the General Secretaries for Formation of the 4 Franciscan Families came together for the common University initiative in Rome last year. And now that is being realised here at St. Bonaventure College, Lusaka, Zambia. Having lived for one week the participants enjoy the richness of being together as one family.
On Monday the 4th June 2018, as we all watched the video of Canticle of Brother Sun I was touched to see the Franciscan passion and earning manifesting in the gaze and yearnings of the brothers. They watched is with deep love and interest.

The animators helped brothers to train themselves to become passionately integrated persons.

Sessions included: Franciscan Dimension of Formation, Franciscan Spirituality, inner journey, Affective Psycho-sexual Maturity, insights form neuroscience, core-issue identification, Self-care through Brain Gym & Dance, healing sessions with love & spirituality with a focus for integral spiritual optimism.

Experiencing different cultures:

We were now from more than 25 countries of Africa experiencing the cultural richness of our diversity and common unity in Franciscan brotherhood. Starting with the listening to different languages to the moment of respecting one another’s uniqueness were introduced to Integral Optimistic way.

It is enriching to know each of their cultures and its richness. It is good to adjust to the need and diversity of other cultures.

Exposure to Social reality of Zambia

On Saturday the 2rd June we went to visit Cheshire Homes and witnessed the life of elders from different countries served by Holy Family Sisters and other local volunteers. Being with the needy children and elders reminded us of our Franciscan Heritage and we know the smell of the goats in the field and brothers who are ready to avail our service to the poor and needy.

A Day of prayer & Contemplation

On 3th June we had a day of recollection to strengthen ourselves through prayer and reflection. Br. Agustine the Custos inspired us with his deep insights on how God chooses us who are ordinary persons to become His instruments. We need to serve him through our humble service in and through ordinary ways. During the Eucharistic Celebration Br. Amando, Vicar General of TOR brothers inspired us on the need to be spiritual and fraternal. God’s call is amazing when we discover meaning in following Jesus by being a Franciscan and may be sometime our own family members may not understand why we became a religious. But later on they get inspired by our choice and mission.

FaLang translation system by Faboba
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