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updated 4:32 PM UTC, Feb 7, 2025

JPIC Handbook Released

Br. Mauro Jöhri, General Minister, released the JPIC HANDBOOK prepared by the Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) on May 27, 2017 at the Curia, on the last day of the annual JPIC Commission meeting.

The JPIC Commission, in one of its previous meetings, had proposed to prepare a Handbook for easy reference and use for all the friars to familiarise with the JPIC concepts and values for their practical application in the individual and community life. The work was carried out under the guidance and approval of the General Council.

The 32-page Handbook was  prepared by Br. Benedict Ayodi, the Secretary of the General Office of JPIC and Br. John Celichowski, the President of the JPIC Commission, and edited and designed by Br. Jacob Kani, member of the JPIC Commission.

The Handbook explains in simple terms and language ‘JPIC AS A WAY OF LIFE AND MISSION’. It begins with a Foreword by the General Minister. The main contents include:    

The basis of our commitment to JPIC in the Order, JPIC as a dimension of our charism and Constitutions: A way of life and mission, JPIC structures and roles of Coordinators/Animators in the Order, Toward a life plan and mission consistent with JPIC values, Care for creation in our daily lives as Capuchins, and Methodology, Collaboration, and Networking.

Copies of this English Handbook will be available in the Curia. The PDF version of this Handbook will be available on the website ……

The Handbook will be published soon in other languages as well.

“My hope is that no fraternity — nor any individual friar — dispense themselves from reading this Handbook and putting into practice these suggestions that touch our life so closely,” writes Br. Mauro Jöhri in his Foreword.


Last modified on Wednesday, 21 June 2017 08:34
