Visita Pastoral Visit to the Presedential Council of the OSF The pastoral visit to the Secular Franciscan Order... December 3, 2019
Librarian Course 2019 The 2019 Course for Religious and Lay Curators of Capuchin Libraries, Archives and Museums… September 19, 2019
Assemblies of the Delegations of the Karnataka Province Holy Trinity Province of Karnataka, India celebrates the delegation assemblies July 19, 2019
Meeting of the Formators of the CECOC in Poland A meeting of the formators of the Capuchin Friars Minor Conference of Central and Eastern Europe (CECOC) was held from June 16-19, 2019 in Tenczyn, Poland. July 1, 2019
Extraordinary Chapter in Ethiopia The Capuchin Province of Ethiopia, Mary “Kidane Meheret” celebrated its first Extraordinary Chapter from February 18-22, 2019 at St. Francis Friary March 26, 2019
USA: the meeting of the FI in New York On November 8-12, 2018, the Franciscans International Board of Directors held its last meeting of the year in New York. November 23, 2018