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updated 4:32 PM UTC, Feb 7, 2025

New Blog of the Secretariat for the Missions

Nuovo blogThe General Secretariat for Missionary Evangelization, Animation and Cooperation is a service of the Capuchin General Curia that aims to help the whole Order to live deeply the apostolic dimension of our charism. We can repeat with Saint Paul: Woe to us Capuchins if we do not evangelize (cf. 1 Cor 9:16).

Together with the other expressions of the Capuchin charism such as fraternity, minority and contemplation, the proclamation of the Word to all and service to our brothers and sisters, especially those who need it most, should characterize our life. Furthermore, our apostolate must be marked by our charismatic lifestyle; that is, there is a way of announcing and serving which is proper to the Capuchins.

To help in this, it is essential to find accessible communication channels with which we can together reflect, draw inspiration and improve our apostolate. We are all apprentices and we must always be open to growth. For this reason, we are creating a blog that can assist us in our task. It's called: Evangelization and Mission - OFMCap

In it we have a main section dedicated to formation materials, and three related sections that feature some specific forms of our apostolate:

1 - Nova Evangelizatio: where we publish activities or projects that can be classified as "New Evangelization", since this is a great challenge for our Order, especially in places where there is a strong effort to secularize Christian communities.

2 - Ad Gentes: where we publish some news of our presence in the fledgling churches, called missionary territories.

3 - Testimonium Missionarium: where we publish the testimonies of individual missionaries, focusing particularly on the way in which the missions help them to become more Capuchin.

The materials are posted in whichever languages are employed when they are submitted; the brothers can then use the automatic translation function offered on the blog. Hopefully, this tool will prove to be an effective aid.

We invite all the brothers to enjoy themselves and have a go at these materials, while we also invite them to work with us in order to keep the blog up to date with the information we receive. For any suggestions or to send any materials our way, please use the e-mail: [email protected].

Last modified on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 22:43
