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Positio sub secreto


Rome, 14th September 2019
Exaltation of the Cross

To all Provincial Ministers and Custodians
To the Vice-Postulators of the Causes of Saints
To the General Mothers of the Institutes aggregated to the Order
To the Petitioners of the Causes of beatification and canonization extra Ordine
To the Librarian of the Central Library and the Archivist of the Historical Archives
Their Seats

Dear brothers and sisters,

May the Lord give you peace!

Brothers and sisters from various parts of the Order and also some parties from outside the order asked me about the secrecy of the Positio written for the Causes of beatification and canonization.

I have been awaiting the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to complete the procedure for the preparation of Regulations for the Postulators – to be published soon – in order to give the following instructions: the Acts of the Diocesan Inquiry and the Positio remain sub secreto (under secrecy); and that any future consultations by outsiders must be authorized in writing by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the request of the Postulator.

By outsiders, we mean anyone who is not a Collaborator in the writing of the Positio itself, or who is not the General Postulator or one of the Vice-Postulators.

Therefore, I ask the Provincial Ministers, the Custodians, the General Mothers of the Institutes aggregated to the Order and the Petitioners of the Causes extra Ordine (external to the Order), as well as the Librarian of the Central Library of the Capuchins and Archivist of the Historical Archives to take the necessary measures so that this documentation is locked away safely.

Every request for consultation of the Acts of the Diocesan Inquiry or of the Positio should be subjected to a careful process of verification, and if valid reasons exist, the request should be submitted to the General Postulator of the Order who will request the Nihil Obstat from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

I would like to emphasize that this directive has its fundamental motivation in the fact that the Positio contains testimonies of people who could still be alive, as well as the fact that anyone who may have been involved in the Diocesan Inquiry or in the preparation of the Positio has sworn to keep secret what he or she has come to know.   

I extend my most cordial greetings to each of you.

Br. Carlo Calloni, ofmcap.
General Postulator    


Positio sub secreto

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