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Statistics of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin

Our website www.ofmcap.org is always being updated. We would like to let you know about some new content on the statistics of the Order which will be appearing in the coming days.

Statistics never tell the truth – so wise people say – but on the other hand they let one see realities under certain categories, counted and measured. Therefore, in the main menu of our website, in the section ‘Capuchins’ there is a new ‘statistics’ section. The data presented there is what is collected by the General Curia and presented each year in the Analecta. We mean, however, to present this data in other ways, such as in PowerPoint. Therefore, you will find simple statistical data on the website, but also material to download, such as materials prepared for the various presentations made during the year by the General Minister and his Councilors in different parts of the world. The current statistics are for 2015, but will be updated each year, after the collection of the data relative to the past year. We invite you to visit the website and to study the dynamics of our Order in its presence on the various continents.

See all the material on the website


Download the material – Statistica OFMCap 2015

Data presentationsPresentation APresentation B










Elementa Statistica

Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum

Status die 31 Decembris 2015


Fratres 10572
Fratres cum votis perpetuis 8682
Fratres cum votis temporariis 1524
Novicii 366
Adspirantes 631
Domus 1549
Laici 3094
  • Cum votis temporariis 1523
  • Cum votis perpetuis 1571
Clerici 7112
  • Episcopi 92
  • Sacerdotes 6850
  • Diaconi permanentes 14
  • Diaconi transeuntes 156
Last modified on Monday, 23 January 2017 22:57
FaLang translation system by Faboba
Copyright: Curia Generalis Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum
Via Piemonte, 70 - 00187 Roma, Italia, tel. +39 06 42 01 17 10 / +39 335 1641820, ofmcap.org - 1528 - 2022 webmaster