Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum IT

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updated 4:51 PM UTC, Apr 18, 2024

So rate ich dir: Auf welche Weise auch immer es dir besser scheint, Gott, dem Herrn, zu gefallen und seinen Fussspuren und seiner Armut zu folgen, so tut es mit dem Segen Gottes, des Herrn, und mit dem Gehorsam gegen mich.

Franziskus, Brief an Bruder Leo

For more inspirations visit Formation Office Website here => www.sgfcap.org

Willkommen auf dem Blog des Generalsekretariats der Kapuziner für Bildung (SGF)! Wir gehen den Weg der Bildung und müssen uns jeden Tag wieder auf den neuesten Stand bringen. Es ist eine schöne Aufgabe, unser Herz, unseren Verstand und unsere Sicht auf Jesus, unseren Meister, auf den hl. Franziskus, unseren Bruder, auf die hl. Klara, unsere Schwester, und auf alle Kapuziner auf der ganzen Welt zu richten. Wir schätzen uns glücklich, euch einladen zu dür-fen, die Inspiration franziskanisch-kapuzinischer Lebensweise in euch aufzu-nehmen und so ihre Bedeutung, ihre Liebe und ihre Freude in euch zu vermeh-ren!

Experiencing Jesus

Ongoing Formation Course in Spanish & Portughese03-28th July 2017 It was a time of experiencing Jesus in the Land of the Word, Archeological Visit, Pilgrimage, Biblical Study, update in theology and personal growth. Nine capuchin brothers along with one Spanish Professor participated in this four…

The Capuchin answer for today – Part I

The Capuchin answer for today – Part IBy Br. Robert Williams Ofm Cap(International Councilor for Formation- NAPCC It has been said many times that an ancient curse states, “May you live in interesting times.” Indeed, we do live in interesting times. The advent of the…

Feast of Br. Francis in Sibolga, Indonesia

It was a blessing to celebrate the Feast of our Father Francis along with the Franciscan Family. Around 150 Franciscan from the neighbourhood of Sibolga were present for the Eucharistic Celebration officiated by Br. Yoseph Sinaga the Custos and Br. Charles Alphonse inspired them with…

Capuchin Formators Course for PACC

Know-how from Capuchin Perspective Capuchin Formators Course was held in Sibolga, Indonesia-25th September to 6th October 2017 with a title: Franciscan Passionately Optimistic Integration. A Time for a ‘know-how’ from Capuchin Perspective.15 Formators from PACC attended the sessions and were glad that they had the…

First Continental Meeting for the Ratio

Guatemala (11-14 July 2017)“It is for the first time, we, the formation secretaries each jurisdictions from whole of America, have come together and we cherish the fellowship,” was the spontaneous response of one of the participants of the Continental Meet for the Ratio in Guatemala.…

Terra Santa (05 Giugno - 1 Luglio 2017)

Si parte per la terra santa. Turisti, pellegrini, studiosi o cosa altro?? Semplici frati cappuccini che hanno aderito a una proposta promossa dal nostra segretariato generale della formazione. Un mese intensivo di riflessione, di studio, di preghiera e di verifica della propria vita di consacrati.…

Pensieri sulla festa di Pentecoste

Secondo Papa Francesco “Nella solennità di Pentecoste non possiamo non parlare del rapporto che c’è tra la speranza cristiana e lo Spirito Santo. Lo Spirito è il vento che ci spinge in avanti, che ci mantiene in cammino, ci fa sentire pellegrini e forestieri, e…
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